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Advanced Assembly Design with Creo

    Any time a team works with complex assemblies, they risk miscommunications, gaps, and overlap. The result? Errors and rework. That’s why Creo develops powerful capabilities for managing all of your most complex assemblies. Recently Taju Joseph, Application Engineer at LEAP Australia presented a webinar looking at the advanced assembly design capabilities within Creo and how they can help improve the quality of your models. This post provides a summary and includes video clips of the live demonstrations presented in this webinar.

    In this first clip Taju discusses the challenges designers face when managing large assemblies. These include time-consuming concurrent design processes for larger teams of designers, difficulties in protecting and sharing company IP and the challenges associated with swapping parts in and out for design variations.

    Taju then provides a live demonstration of the core advanced assembly features within Creo showing how features can be published and shared between team members. The demonstration provides a quick look at the reference viewer and how the overall design and its parts can be managed, controlled and updated via the reference system.

    Next, Taju discusses the key benefits of using a top-down design approach which can improve common issues such as regeneration performance, external references, retrieval performance and more. He then goes on to take a closer look at the reference control capabilities within Creo and how they can improve the quality of the design and the effectiveness of collaboration within a design team as well as the overall performance of Creo itself. This is followed by a live demonstration of Creo’s reference control features including how to set permissions for users, restrict the copying of references to only published geometry and how to control reference scope to restrict users to their own design scope.

    In this final clip, Taju explains how the top-down design approach can greatly assist with variant design allowing you to easily substitute or swap out parts in an assembly.  This can be done using:

    • Assembly configuration (interchange groups)
    • Pro/PROGRAM for assemblies (use simple logic to show, replace or delete parts)

    Again, Taju goes on to demonstrate this live within Creo, explaining how Pro/PROGRAM works and providing examples of how it can improve the design workflow.

    We hope that you found this article informative and that you can see just how powerful Creo’s advanced assembly design features are. As always, if you have any questions or would like assistance with Creo please contact the team at LEAP.

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