Simulation Software for the Plastics Injection Molding Industry
Moldex3D is the world leading CAE product for the plastic injection molding industry. With the best-in-class analysis technology, Moldex3D can help you carry out in-depth simulation of the widest range of injection molding processes and to optimize product designs and manufacturability. In addition, its high compatibility and adaptability have provided users with instant connection to mainstream CAD systems, generating a flexible simulation-driven design platform.
Moldex3D is the world leading CAE product for the plastics injection molding industry. With the best-in-class analysis technology, Moldex3D can help you simulate the widest application range of injection molding processes to optimize product design and manufacturability, shorten time-to-market, and maximize product ROI.
What is Moldex3D?
The leading true-3D molding simulation software can be applied in a wide range of plastic molding processes. It predicts potential manufacturing defects, validates part/mold design, lowers mold development costs, evaluates manufacturability, shortens time-to-market, and greatly increases business value.
- One single platform to run all powerful Moldex3D simulations
- Integrated workflow to ensure accurate meshing and modeling
- Simulation of IM, RTM, FIM, CFM, RIM, IC packaging, and more

What can Moldex3D do?

- Predict melt front and flow patterns
- Optimise gate locations and designs
- Diagnose short shots, air traps, weld lines, flow imbalance, and more

- Evaluate gate-freeze time
- Avoid sink mark or flash
- Optimise packing profile

- Reduce cooling cycle
- Improve cooling efficiency
- Predict hot spots

- Foresee final part shape
- Identify warpage causes
- Calculate residual stress
About Moldex3D Mesh Technology
High Resolution 3D Mesh Technology (BLM)
- Enable automatic mesh generation, especially for complicated 3D geometry, with less complex and faster workflow.
- Mixed type to construct runner system with combination of curve and geometry runner/gate.
- Support non-matching technology for part insert and mold base.
- Support tetra elements and Boundary Layer Mesh (BLM).
Auto 3D Meshing Engine (eDesign)
- Support auto mesh generation for saving time and variant level of mesh generation with intelligent wizards.
Hybrid Structure Mesh Technology
- Manual workflow for customized and optimized structure mesh resolution and distribution.
- Support 3D Tetra, Hexahedral, Prism, Pyramid, and 2.5D Shell elements.
- A variety of meshing tools provided on both Studio and Rhino integrated platform.

Want to learn more about Moldex solutions for injection molding solutions?
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