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LEAP Australia - Ansys Elite Channel Partner in Australia and New Zealand

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Our software licensing, consultancy and training services have been providing a one-stop solution for academia, start-up businesses, SME’s and global corps  since 1997!

From multiphase phase flows, to heat transfer, bulk particle movement, hypersonics and everything in between – we have a solution and a license that fits.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Delivering solutions to fluid flow problems in an easy to use, intuitive and responsive environment for SME’s, global corporations, academia and start-ups alike.

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LEAP Australia - Ansys Elite Channel Partner in Australia and New Zealand

Thanks to VA Sciences, for sharing this Ansys CFD analysis with us. The animation shows how heat pumps, tank size and flow rates are all intertwined. A real-world charge time of approx. 1 hour is captured within 20 minutes of computational time, allowing the team to (i) demonstrate the thermal lag which occurs in a domestic water systems and (ii) provide quick turnaround options on multiple designs and operating conditions.