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Electronics & Electromagnetics

Speed up the design of magnetic components, find the most suitable inductor or electronic transformer for your requirements and with minimal losses.

Magnetic Component Design

The design of electric transformers and inductors can be time consuming. Moreover, an optimal design solution isn’t always obvious, especially when off-the-shelf components are not being used. For engineers working with customized designs, Pexprt is a solution that takes conductors, bobbins and cores form various vendors, working in an intuitive GUI, to deliver feasible solutions from the multitude of possible design combinations.

Software solutions for Magnetic Components Design at LEAP Australia

Geometrical setup of an inductor generated by PExprt.

Software solutions for Magnetic Components Design at LEAP Australia

Accurate loss calculation: proximity effects in conductors are included.

Software solutions for Magnetic Components Design at LEAP Australia

Magnetic components can be added in circuit simulations. The ability to include frequency dependent representations yields a more accurate analysis, when compared to a lumped concentrated model.

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LEAP Australia - Ansys Elite Channel Partner in Australia and New Zealand