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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Delivering solutions to fluid flow problems in an easy to use, intuitive and responsive environment for SME’s, global corporations, academia and start-ups alike.

Wind Comfort

See related: Ventilation, Smoke, CO, Thermal Comfort…

From assessing the feasibility of outdoor events around the Opera House to wind assessments of Melbourne CBD, our software continues to be successfully used for pedestrian comfort, wind loading on facades, exhaust vent design and more within the built environment, building services and HVAC industries.

Wind Comfort & Lawson Criteria

Our easy to use and intuitive CFD tool gives engineers the ability to analyse a cityscape under multiple wind & geometric conditions. 

Facade & Exhaust Interaction

Architects and HVAC designers used our CFD solution to find a design that deflected plant room exhausts away from terraces and equipment intakes. 

Rooftop Equipment Positioning

CFD was used to place air conditioning units in optimal locations, such that seasonal wind did not take hot exhaust from one unit to the intake of another.